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- ðŸ§The Universal 24 Character Strengths
ðŸ§The Universal 24 Character Strengths
Research has revealed that these 24 character strengths are universal traits that contribute to personal well-being and success, encompassing qualities like kindness, perseverance, and creativity. Cultivating and leveraging these strengths can lead to improved relationships, resilience, and a more fulfilling life.
Good Day, and welcome to The Growth Compass. We are that favorite toy that you had as a child, bringing you great memories and reminding you to have gratitude for today.
Here’s where we’re headed today:
Heraclitus on character
10 questions to ask about character
3 amazing stories of how your inner circle can make a difference
Steve Jobs on the secrets of life
Heraclitus on Character
"Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character."
- Heraclitus

10 Questions to Ask About Character

Character is the essence of who we are; it's the invisible thread that weaves through our thoughts, actions, and decisions. It’s often defined as what we do when no one is watching. It's not just about the image we project to the world, but also about the choices we make when faced with challenges, the values we hold dear, and the principles we uphold even in the absence of external validation.
At its core, character is a reflection of our integrity and moral fiber. It's not a fixed trait, but rather a dynamic aspect of our being that we can cultivate and shape over time. Character encompasses our honesty, empathy, and how we treat others when no immediate reward is in sight. It's in those moments of decision, when the spotlight isn't on us, that our true character emerges. Our actions in those moments speak volumes about the kind of person we are, setting the stage for our relationships, reputation, and the legacy we leave behind. 10 questions to ask yourself about your character:
Am I Consistent?: Do your actions align with your values, even when no one is watching?
How Do I Treat Others?: Are you kind, respectful, and empathetic to everyone, regardless of their position or background?
Do I Take Responsibility?: Do you own up to mistakes and learn from them, rather than blaming others?
Am I Honest?: Are you truthful and transparent in your dealings, even when it's uncomfortable?
Am I Reliable?: Can others count on you to follow through on commitments?
Do I Practice Empathy?: Are you sensitive to others' feelings and perspectives?
Do I Show Gratitude?: Do you appreciate what you have and acknowledge the efforts of those around you?
Am I Humble?: Do you acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses without arrogance?
Do I Help Others?: Are you willing to lend a hand and contribute positively to your community?
Do I Continuously Improve?: Are you open to personal growth and learning from experiences?
Ask these questions about yourself and your inner circle. Character is who we really are, shown by our choices even when nobody sees. It's about being honest, treating others well, taking responsibility, and improving ourselves.
The 24 Character Strengths
The 24 character strengths were developed by psychologists Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman as part of the positive psychology movement. These strengths represent positive qualities and virtues that individuals can possess.
Why It Matters: Research on the 24 character strengths has revealed that they are universal traits that contribute to personal well-being and success, encompassing qualities like kindness, perseverance, and creativity. Cultivating and leveraging these strengths can lead to improved relationships, resilience, and a more fulfilling life.
Learning about these strengths can help you identify your personal traits and areas of growth, fostering self-awareness and promoting positive interactions with others. Understanding these strengths can guide your personal development journey and enhance your ability to navigate challenges while contributing to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
Here are the 24 character strengths grouped under six broad categories:
Wisdom: Strengths that involve acquiring and using knowledge.
Creativity, Curiosity, Open-Mindedness, Love of Learning, Perspective
Courage: Strengths that allow you to confront life's challenges.
Bravery, Perseverance, Honesty, Zest
Humanity: Strengths that reflect positive interpersonal interactions.
Love, Kindness, Social Intelligence
Justice: Strengths that involve treating others fairly and promoting a sense of community.
Teamwork, Fairness, Leadership
Temperance: Strengths that help manage impulses and desires.
Forgiveness, Humility, Prudence, Self-Regulation
Transcendence: Strengths that provide meaning beyond oneself.
Appreciation of Beauty, Gratitude, Hope, Humor, Spirituality

These strengths encompass a wide range of positive traits that contribute to a person's character and ethical behavior. The VIA Classification aims to help individuals recognize and leverage their unique strengths to enhance well-being and contribute positively to society. What you should know about these character strengths:
Your character strengths can change over time.
Your strength is on a scale and it can grow or decline. It’s not just a yes or no answer.
You should use your character strengths to improve your life and be your authentic self.
The key takeaway here is that these strengths are linked to your overall well-being and success, and you have the ability to make a difference in your strengths! You can target your perseverance or your curiosity and through practices and activities – build them up in your profile. You can assess your character strengths here by taking the survey.
Motivating Talk From Inky Johnson
If you haven’t listened to Inky Johnson, he is a must-follow for his motivational talks and speeches. This is a great 1-minute on how to strengthen your character and think about doing the work.
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That's a wrap for today. If you want to spread the joy, make sure to refer the newsletter to someone you think would benefit!
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