🧭9 Lessons From The Most Resilient People

Hello, and welcome to The Growth Compass. We are that funny movie at the end of a long day that brings you joy and a few funny insights about life.

Here’s where we’re headed today:

  • Maya Angelou on resilience

  • Why you need to be resilient in life

  • 9 lessons from the most resilient people

  • How cerebral palsy can’t stop this bodybuilder

Maya Angelou’s Thought on Resilience

"I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it."

- Maya Angelou

Why You Need Resilience in Life

Life can be full of surprises, and sometimes things happen that can make you feel down but you have incredible strength within you. The quote above emphasizes your ability to be resilient. Being resilient allows you to adapt, learn, and stay strong no matter what life throws at you.

Resilience helps you face tough situations, learn from them, and come back even stronger. When you face challenges, obstacles, or pressure, it is easy to be negative and want to quit, but resilience keeps you focused, positive, and determined. It reminds you that life isn't always easy, but it also shows you that you can overcome anything if you keep going. Being resilient:

  1. Boosts your confidence - When you face problems and keep pushing forward, you start believing in yourself and your abilities. You become more confident that you can handle whatever comes your way.

  2. Improves your problem solving skills - Instead of getting stuck and giving up, you become creative and find new ways to solve the problems you face.

  3. Strengthens your relationships - When you go through tough times with your friends or family, it brings you closer together and makes your bond even stronger.

  4. Improves your emotional well-being: When faced with difficult situations, you are better equipped to manage stress, cope with negative emotions, and maintain a positive outlook. This emotional resilience allows you to navigate life's ups and downs with greater ease and maintain a balanced state of mind.

  5. Creates a mindset of growth: Resilience fosters a mindset that views challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. This flexibility and adaptability not only helps you overcome obstacles but also empowers them to embrace new experiences, develop new skills, and discover their full potential.

Challenges are chances for you to grow, adapt, and become even stronger. Believe in yourself, stay positive, and keep bouncing back. You have what it takes to overcome anything.

9 Lessons From The Most Resilient People

Your ability to overcome challenges is your greatness. It's what makes you resilient and makes you fearless to take on any new challenges. There is no straight line to success, there will always be challenges.

After spending hours, studying the science of resilience and the stories of successful people, here are the 9 lessons that I have learned and integrated into my life:

  1. The most resilient people cultivate resilience over time (they don’t get lucky)

    It's a skill you can build over time using optimism, a growth mindset, acceptance, hard work, consistency, and patience. When you build habits and a system that build resilience, success is inevitable.

  2. Accept that sh** happens

    In life, there will always be pain. Understand that life is suffering as the Buddha once said. This stops you from feeling discriminated against and helps you combat that feeling of "Why me?" Instead, think, "Why not me?"

  3. Choose where to focus your attention

    The old saying is "Control what you can control," and this starts with where you focus your attention. Our minds are wired for the negative. We always remember the negative emotions & events, not the positive. Be present. Be self-aware.

  4. Tune into the good and choose to live purposefully

    Go on a benefit-finding search. The Army “hunts for the good stuff.” Spend time each day remembering what you're grateful for. Gratitude widens your mindset and presents you with feelings of abundance rather than scarcity.

  5. Ask yourself - is this helping me or harming me?

    As you start to think about focusing your energy, you will deepen your self-awareness. By asking this, you choose to respond instead of react. You are being proactive in your approach to regulating your emotions and feelings.

  6. Don’t let the 3 P's get into your mindset

    • Personalize - Belief that you are at fault for everything.

    • Pervasive - Belief that an event will affect other areas of your life.

    • Permanent - Belief that an event will be forever By removing these, you are taking a logical approach to your challenges.

  7. Know that it takes effort and hard work

    Resilient people don't let others outwork or outthink them. Be interested and passionate about what you are doing. You can't fake enthusiasm and energy. Your enthusiasm is contagious, so enjoy the details and the gritty work.

  8. Combat Unhealthy Beliefs About Yourself

    Don't let your mind wander or unhealthy beliefs about yourself fester. Have good mental habits and self-awareness to see challenges and adversity for what they are. The ability to combat unhealthy beliefs takes patience and consistency.

  9. You need to have the courage to believe that change is possible

    The ability to have hope gives you a sense of control and power versus a feeling of powerlessness. Change is constant in life - it is your choice whether to improve and grow with the changes.

Cerebral Palsy Can’t Stop This Bodybuilder

3-minute inspirational video of Wade McCrae Washington who is a body builder that won’t let anything stop him from his dream. When he was 11 months old, Wade McCrae Washington was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. He also has severe scoliosis and was told by doctors that he wouldn't live past 10 years old.


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That's a wrap for today. If you want more, be sure to follow our Twitter (@coachajkings)

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